Website Development

/our process
At Harmo, our websites are designed according to the client's needs. We think about what makes a company different from its competitors and also consider user experience. Our main services are development, Web design, UX focused on client needs and customizable design.

This is how our approach works:
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Meetings with the client to identify what are the goals with the new website and what metrics must be reached.
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Scope and Budget

Once we establish the objectives of a project we can define the amount of pages and resources for the website. Development of a timeline and budget are also important for this phase of the process.
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Website Map

We develop a more complex website structure, including what elements will be present and how they would integrate with one another.
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Content and Copy

With a well define structure it is possible to start production of content, copy and call to actions that will be a part of the website.
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Once we have a defined and approved set of content we can start working on the creative aspects of visual elements that composite the website.
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Once we have design and content ready, approved and organized we can move on to development and coding so that it all works as intended.
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Once we have a fully developed and reviewed website the time to show it to the world has finally come.
Different types of websites have their advantages for specific companies and customers. Understanding these differences is important so that the choice is well made.

Institutional Website

Institutional websites are a digital representation of your business. They are a must for modern positioning, and even though social media has gained a lot of space in the digital environment the websites still offer credibility for the business, product or service.

The website enables your business to reach new people and go beyond it's already established public. It is very important to be ready to establish communication and convert people who are willing to know more about your business.

In this space your company can present itself however it sees fit, tell your own story and purpose. It is also fit to present content, different media channels and contact information, FAQ, staff and much more.

Having a responsive and functional website for different devices is key. Having that functionality integrated with good aesthetics and visual design improves the user experience and is a chance to enhance your brand's visual identity. Part of the website's strategy also includes search engine optimizations and its inclusion in your marketing strategy.

One Page

The content is placed entirely in a single page, it helps to showcase your business, products, services or essential information. The One Page is built to communicate very clearly and in a direct manner, it offers ease of navigation and agility that results in higher conversion rates than a conventional website.

Having all information in a single page makes this particular website faster than a traditional one, both in loading speeds and navigation of the content and text information. Since all the internal links will reference sections inside its own page you have to consider a speedy and effective vertical navigation, rolling effects and mobile accessibility to ensure good user experience.

This structure is very good for storytelling. It is fast, goes straight to key factors, and the vertical structure of information offers a clear pathway for the user experience to guide you through a tailored story. It demands a properly structured design that focuses in user experience, it has to achieve its goals with less information than traditional websites and only a single page.

The One Page has a less complex development process, a reduced amount of pages that builds its value through user experience design is cheaper and has a smaller cost of management and upkeep.

Some of the disadvantages of the One Page in comparison to the conventional website is the lack of space for information that demands more space, such as a portfolio or big lists of products and services with long form and detailed explanations. For the One Page you have to develop a short form text that uses a lower amount of information very efficiently to achieve your goals and communicate your message. A website that is created from one key objective also has a harder time with advanced SEO strategies since it can't be effectively segmented into keywords.

It is important to properly define your objectives so that your company understands what form of website to choose in order to reach its goals.

Landing Page

Landing pages are the first contact anyone will have with your website, it is their arrival from any search engine, social media profile or redirected by links or mechanisms.

Its main goal is to receive new users in your website and conduct them to specific directions or actions. The analogy to an airport works well, whenever you get off of a plane you follow a structure and directions so you get on the right way. In the case of the landing page, sometimes it requires contact data, liking a profile or getting access to content.

Landing pages often operate through simplicity, few elements and limited graphic elements. It is a tailored and guided user experience to avoid confusion and have them not be overwhelmed, but guided to know more and focus on conversion.

If the Landing Page follows a well-defined marketing strategy it will increase the conversion rates, bigger chances of closing deals and doing more business. Having clear goals, tools to get there and objective strategy will achieve and maximize efficiency for your Landing Page.

Personalized Site

Personalized websites are developed for a particular need. Its development is made taking into consideration a project, a clear goal or well-defined resources. The visual concept is usually thoroughly planned and according to a marketing strategy, which has a clear communication goal and wants to deliver an user experience for better conversion and results.

These websites must consider plugin usage, integration with social media and analytics tools. There are plenty of advanced configurations for search engine, data safety and different possibilities for particular businesses and marketing strategies.

They are usually more efficient and provide better navigation and user experience than websites developed in premade websites or template platform websites. The personalization is also much greater, which helps the efficiency of your project and the aesthetic to be aligned with the user experience.
/Let's talk/

Share your dream with us.